
1. Do you have an LB Web account?

2. Submit API application form ""

3. Once approved, log into API site ""

ID: (login ID created during registration)

PW: (password created during registration)

4. After logging in, navigate to SETUP tab and Get a New Key

API-KEY will generate as image shown below

5. Enter the IP Whitelist as provided by Bodysite (you may need to contact Bodysite if this was not provided to you previously)

6. Make sure to hit Save at the bottom of the page once you're done.


1. Login to the BodySite account

2. Navigate to Settings > Platform Settings

3. Scroll down to InBody and click the Update InBody Account Credentials button

4. Enter the login ID created during registration from InBody's web service and API-KEY generated and click Save

Syncing may take up to 24 hours to process.

Trouble getting the integration to work? Please reach out to with the InBody information.