Google recently updated their security settings for apps connecting to their Gmail service. This guide will cover the steps that will be needed to update a Gmail account to be compatible with our LookinBody services.
1. Sign in into your Gmail account
2. Click on the profile icon (located at the top right) and click on Manage your Google Account
3. In the left hand navigation menu click on Security
4. Scroll down and click on 2-Step Verification
*Please follow the steps provided by Google to complete this step
5.After enabling 2-Step Verification click on App Password
6. In the first drop down menu select the option for Other (Custom name)
7. Create a name for this password such as LookinBody Web or LookinBody120
*This will help to identify which app is using the password
8. Copy the password generated by Google
9. Head into the Email Setup option in either LookinBody Web service or LookinBody 120 application to update the email settings with the information below:
User: Your Gmail Account (ex. [email protected])
Name: We recommend using a name or business name your clients can easily recognize
Password: Use the Passcode generated from step 9
Port: 587
Secure Connection: Use, TLS 1.2
As a final step we recommend sending out a test email to ensure that everything is working properly.
Google may update their SMTP email settings which can cause the email feature to stop functioning. We recommend reaching out to your IT team for support or visit Google's Support for the latest information.
If you require any additional assistance please contact us at [email protected]