This is an updated alternative method for transferring test results between client profiles.

Should a client have tested on an incorrect profile which results in creating a new account, this guide will allow you to transfer the test to the correct client profile then delete the duplicate profile.

Instructions to complete process below

Create a step-by-step guide

Step 1: Access Copy/Paste Page

  • Navigate to 'Member List'
  • Select 'Copy Results' above your client profiles

Step 2: Search Desired Source and Targets Tests to be Copied/Pasted

  • Input 'Incorrect ID' into 'Copy From' and Select 'Search'
  • Input 'Correct ID' into 'Paste To' and Select 'Search'

Step 3: Verify and Save Changes

  • Select 'Preview' to see changes
  • Select 'Copy' to complete the changes

Step 4: Delete Incorrect Duplicate Profile

  • Search 'Incorrect ID' from your Member List
  • Select 'Edit Member Info' icon
  • Select 'Delete' option to completely delete this client profile 
*Note* Deleting profiles are permanent and cannot be reversed