Should the password be forgotten or attempted to login too many times, we made it easier to get back into the account.
1. Please close out of the browser completely
2. Re-open the browser of choice and head to the web portal (
3. As the Administrator click on the Find Password link
4. As the Staff, click on Staff Login first and then click on the Forgot Password link
5. A temporary password via email to the registered email address. Please type in the password provided in the email.
Please do not copy and paste the password from the email.
6. Once logged in please update the password
If experiencing login issues on the InBody unit, please visit our guide here.
What if email access is not available?
In the event that the Administrator of the LookinBody Web account is no longer with the company but the email is still accessible, please contact your internal IT team to retrieve the temporary password.
Should the email also no longer be accessible, please fill out the form here: