If you have an x70 device, please refer to the guide here instead: Upload Missing Results Via USB x70 device
Typically if the unit gets disconnected from the internet, the unit will try to reconnect to the LookinBody Web cloud service to sync any results that were not sent. However, in certain cases where the unit is accidently logged out from the account, the results may not sync and a manual upload will need to be performed.
If the results are available on the InBody unit but not available from the LookinBody Web account, attempt a manual sync from the unit to the account in question.
To complete this step the following items will need to be available:
- Access to your LookinBody Web Administrator Account
- Access to your InBody device's Administrator Menu
- A USB Thumbdrive
1. On the InBody Unit head into the Settings Menu
2. Select Option 4. Data Management

3. Select Export Data as an Excel File
4. Select either option:
a. Export All - Will export all of the currently available tests saved on the unit (best for first time setup)
b. Select - Will only export selected tests
i.e. tests taken within a certain date period or tests taken under a specific ID

5. Confirm USB thumb drive is connected properly and tap on Next, once completed, you will be greeted with a notification.

*Depending on the number of records that are being exported, the process may take several hours to complete. We recommend performing the extraction towards the end of the business day to avoid any interruptions as the unit will be unavailable during the export.
6. After the export has been completed, plug the USB thumb drive to the computer and log in into the web portal (usa.lookinbody.com) using the administrator's account
7. Click on Setup
8. Select the option for 05. Data Importation under LookinBody Data Management
9. Click on the button for Select File
10. Locate your USB thumb drive on your computer, open the InBody folder, and open the LookinBody folder
11. Select the newcommondb file
12. Click on the Import Data button
The process should take about 15 minutes to complete. If 15 minutes have passed please exit out of this screen and head to the Member List page to confirm that the upload has been completed.